How many garbage bags do you fill in any given week? Let’s keep it simple and say per person. With me, my wife, and daughter, we’ll get about 1 bag of garbage and 1 bag of recycling a week. I think that’s pretty good. I remember growing up, I used to take at least 10 […]
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Tags: can, environment, garbage, human, people, recycle, refuse, waste, weekly
Taking the thoughts of this old post (talks about keeping buried bodies from decomposing naturally and feeding new growth) a little bit further, I was thinking about the space that bodies and graveyards are consuming. Certainly with huge population growths, cemeteries have to be filling up, and you don’t build up, you build out. So, if […]
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Tags: Arlington Cemetery, bodies, body, consumption, dead, Dubai, metal coming, metals, recycle, Shanghai, space, thoughts