First off, the end of the world is coming. Now that we agree, what does that mean? Read this – both parts. If you’re smart, your mind will be blown. Now, my realization after reading that and going to get a snack…What if “history repeats itself” is more meaningful than we know? What […]
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Tags: AGI, AI, as we know it, ASI, end of the world, God, heaven, Religion, Waking Life
The wise man built his house upon the plastic brick, apparently. It claims to be the world’s largest, most comprehensive illustrated Bible. Tons of LEGO inspired recreations of Bible stories.
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Tags: art, bible, block, God, Jesus, LEGO, model, moses, recreation, Religion, scene, testament
13 April, 2011 (12:00) | News |
Kallie’s Aunt Dorothy published a book! Check out the trailer and let her know what you think!
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Tags: book, dorothy frisby, Faith, gentile apostle, God, publish, Religion, sealock, video
Thanks to Beckie Hollerman for reminding me that today, the first Tuesday of February, should be used to educate ourselves about common misconceptions! Some quick excerpts from the wikipedia page: Nowhere in the Bible is Satan described as ruling over or being in Hell. Throughout the Bible Satan is described as constantly on Earth, and […]
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Tags: baseball, bible, education, George Washington, hell, information, kids, lies, poison, Religion, revelation, satan, snopes, sugar, teeth, toxic, truth
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