Cops can ruin your day. Maybe even your life. Don’t mess with them. Even if you detect them trying to ensnare you in mind games, don’t call them out on it. Just respond with unemotional facts. Seek resolution promptly. Nothing is worth the fight.
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Tags: authority, cops, defense, ID, law, license, mean, registration, respect, rules, smart, ticket, violence
If you’re lying in a relationship, you either don’t care enough about the relationship, or you’re living in fear of the other person.
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Tags: fear, lie, lies, love, lying, people, relationship, respect
Eagle Scouts are among the best men you’ll ever meet. I’m just saying, an Eagle Scout would be the first boy to get approval to date my daughter.
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Tags: badge, boy scouts of america, country, duty, eagle scout, God, loyalty, Man, men, respect, scout, scouts, serve
If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn’t be in it.
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Tags: advice., being a man, dating, emo, feelings, honor, hurt, insecurity, lies, love, own, partner, protect, relationship, respect, secret, sneaking, social
Do not unfriend people on facebook. It’s true, and if you haven’t had it verified for you yet, just give it time. You’re either going to run into that person in real life and it’s going to be awkward for at least one of you They’re going to realize and do or say something negative […]
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Tags: awkward, block, defriend, delete, Facebook, family, friend, friends, interaction, like, people, respect, social, unfried
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Growing up at my dad’s house, we had an above ground pool. I think it was about 4 feet high and 24 feet wide. We loved when the water got low, because that meant that Jay Gillis was coming over with his water truck to fill it up. He’d take the hose from his truck, […]
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Tags: bentleyville, bentleyville wesleyan, Bentleyville Wesleyan Christian School, church, dad, friends, gillis water hauling, happy, Jay Gillis, kids, memory, pool, quiet, respect, role model, summer, water