I’m hugging a pillow But I wish I had my arms around you The road winds around a mountain And I enjoy the never-ending view The farthest peak seems so far But you’re beyond them still And if I could drive that distance, I would But a car will never get me there I’m listening […]
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Tags: dreams, going nowhere fast, love, poem, road trip, seat belt
I was driving in the car the other day and I heard a commercial for HD radio. I remember hearing about these things years ago and thought for sure they’d go the way of the Betamax. why would anyone want HD radio? What’s wrong with normal radio? Why are all these “extra stations” not on […]
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Tags: am, antenna, car, digital, fm, hd radio, poll, radio, road trip, stereo, xm, xmradio
The Driver is the authority on music. He or she may delegate to passengers at their will.
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Tags: car, drive, music, road trip, rules