I don’t want it to be sad. I’d hope that friends and family that know me well would throw up gang signs in jest at my funeral. Maybe even going as far as pouring out some champagne on the floor. If I died in an accident, I’d hope that someone would do an impression of me […]
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Tags: bodies, death, die, family, friends, funeral, legacy, love, memorial, memory, people, sad
Some text is clearly written. We consider this normal and expected. If I wRiTe In AlTeRnAtInG-cApS oN a ReSuMe, It WiLl MoSt LiKeLy Be ReJeCtEd. Some text we italicize to whisper quietly, but words never make a sound. Underlining words makes sure what we’ve written is found. When Jesus spoke, he apparently spoke in red. […]
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Tags: easter, family, happy, Jesus, love, people, sad
So many new announcements going on in Pittsburgh! We just have to find out how we’re going to pay for it all. The New Granada theatre nears it’s financing goal of $1.1M. It’s a block from my house and it is such a sad thing to see it falling apart. If they can get the rest of that […]
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Tags: Don Barden, house, money, Neil Bluhm, pittsburgh, Rivers Casino, sad
This weekend I picked up fable 2. I was a fan of the first game and I’ve waiting anxiously for this release since it was pushed back so much. I played it all consumingly this weekend, as i do with most video games I get into. I beat it sunday night, and what I found […]
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Tags: birthday, game, happy, love, people, sad
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It’s crazy how emotional i am. I get deeply affected by how I feel and it shows in everything I do. If I’m sad, my eyes are heavy, i have no "pep" as my pap-pap used to say, and just a general sense of malaise. I try to tie it to my diet, but that […]
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Tags: sad, Work
"No, I’m just stoic." – Suttsteve
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Tags: sad