Why do they check babies at the airport? More practically, how do they reasonably justify their actions to check babies at the airport as worth while? What are they trying to prevent? What are they really able to prevent? Think about it. A baby is stolen from a hospital or a family. doesn’t matter where. […]
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Tags: airport, babies, baby, ID, kidnapping, photo, plane, security, technology, track, TSA
The only way to get ahead in life is to own your own business.
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Tags: ahead, business, dot com, entrepreneur, invention, life, money, power, security, self starter, start up
30 September, 2011 (14:59) | Reviews |
So this device was announced back in September of 2010 when Apple announced their Airplay technology. I was stoked for this technology. Kallie wanted a way to play her music in the kitchen, and throughout the house for that matter, and her laptop speakers…well, they’re laptop speakers. I didn’t want to go buy a […]
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Tags: airplay, airtunes, app, apple, battery, home, home theatre, ios, ip37, ipad, iphone, ipod, itunes, iw1, Kallie, mac, music, network, pc, portable, rechargeable, remote, review, security, sound, speaker, stereo, technology, toy, wep, wifi, wireless, wpa2
This post was going to start off as a bit of a stupid people rant, but a few people redeemed it from frustration and dragged it into entertaining. Possibly, the sheer ridiculousness of the entire thing brought it to the ‘funny’ category too. Yesterday, I got this email: From: Katlyn Fergus Sent: July 7, 2011 […]
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Tags: bcc, cc, distribution, drama, email, entertainment, etiquette, funny, gmail, Google, hack, IT, list, never gunna give you up, phishing, pnc, porn, random, rickroll, ridiculous, rmu, Robert Morris, security, spam, stupid, stupid people, turtles, wtf
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