April fool’s came and went yesterday. I didn’t do a single joke or prank. eh, next year. Rachel and I went to DC to hang out with Serah and Mike. Had a great time. We saw Mount Vernon saturday, then spent some time at the Mall for the cherry blossom festival, then just chilled out […]
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Tags: home, Italy, London, Mike, mom, money, Mount Vernon, rubber, serah, Work, www.post-gazette.com/pg/07091/773880-85.stm
So, first post in a long time. I have been thinking in the past week…who the EFF am I and what happened this year?!!?! 2006 was definitely a year for major changes. Let’s recap: Started Drinking at new years Darn near killed myself snowboarding in Colorado Promotion at work to level 2 – 4pm to […]
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Tags: birthday, dad, house, school, serah, Work
25 January, 2006 (15:05) | Dreams |
So, I’ve had lots of dreams where my dad is in them, sometimes he’s fine and nothing ever happened, and sometimes he actually survived the surgery, but last night was one of the first dreams that I remember having where he wasn’t actually there…sort of. I say sort of, because J’aime was talking to him […]
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Tags: cellular telephone, dad, Deirdre, dreams, house, Keren, mom, school, serah
“Serah, catch my legs.” – Mike Pesce, as he did a surprise handstand and fell on top of Serah.
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Tags: Mike, Mike Pesce, serah
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october. It went from 70 degree weather to 50 in the matter of a day or two. i’m not happy. effing october. Went down to annapolis this weekend with my sisters to hang out with serah. it was a good time. we didnt really do all that much, but it was nice to hang out. […]
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Tags: birthday, happy, Mike, mom, money, school, serah, Work
So mike doughty’s latest album is called “Haughty Melodic.” seems like a phrase typical of mike. I am just now coming to realize that “Haughty Melodic” is an anagram for “Michael Doughty.” Pretty cool. So i went to find out what other anagrams i could make from people’s names, here. There’s nothing cool for my […]
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Tags: funny, Haughty Melodic, michael doughty, Mike, MIKE DOUGHTY, people, serah