25 August, 2005 (05:17) | Dreams |
I’ve been having a lot of dreams about my dad, only recently, he has been pretty much mentally retarded. Now, my first instinct to that would be to laugh, but having done the research and being as interested in dreams and their relation to the real world as I am, I am perplexed as to […]
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Tags: attorney, Central Intelligence Agency, dad, Deirdre, dreams, house, inch collector, Karen Watson, metal work right infront, Michael Clarke Duncan, mom, school, serah, The Green Mile, Work
ok, so i am back from canada, but i haven’t uploaded pics yet because i am waiting to get Keren’s from her. I’ll make a note when i get them up. Other than that, it was great. I did absolutely nothing. hung out on the island, read some books, played some guitar, hung out with […]
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Tags: Adam, birthday, Canada, cuz, family, gas bill, guitar, home, house, Keren, LAN, LAN party, lawyer, love, people, school, serah, Tommy
Comments: 2, 2,442 views
so we have this special occasion speech (SOS) tonight, and we had to submit an outline for it. There were no examples for it in the syllabus, no examples in the SOS section on the webpage, and no criteria listed anywhere for it. She was saying last week that it was a very easy one, […]
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Tags: Mike, serah, teacher
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So, i’ll give you the play-by-play of this weekend. tok off friday so i could be well rested, headed out about noon, and not a mile down the road i hear this radio commercial for southwest airlines. it says “the next time you are driving from pittsburgh to philly, fly southwest for only $29” I […]
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Tags: art, game, home, Mike, mom, Philidelphia museum, philly, Pitt, pittsburgh, play, Robert Morris, seattle, serah
Comments: 8, 2,638 views
been doing a lot of sleeping recently. just kinda bumming it around the apartment when i am not at work on the weekdays. I have been doing a few things on the weekends and such though.I have been on a big reading kick recently. read hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy in preparation for the movie, […]
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Tags: family, friends, Melinda, Mike, movie, serah, War of the Worlds, Work
Comments: 2, 2,862 views
Coming into this month, I find myself in a few similar situations that i was in this time last year. I’m not in the depressing funk that i was in last year, i am a little more optimistic this time around. I am going with the mentality that this is my second chance to get […]
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Tags: charlotte, dad, Jordan, Jordan Owen, Mike, MIKE DOUGHTY, people, philly, sad, serah, Work