It’s been long enough out of the original Napster era and RIAA filing extravaganzas that we can revisit this and see if there has been change. In fact, there’s probably even room to take it a step further away from even acquiring music at all. Some people may rely solely on places like, pandora, […]
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Tags: 99 cents, amazon, download, free, grooveshark, illegal, internet, ipod, itunes,, limewire, listen, MP3, music, napster, pandora, radio, riaa, sattelite, share, shawn fanning, sirius, store, xm, xmradio
Kallie and I went to see “The Social Network” yesterday, and I was surprised to see a lack of emotional tensity or even having the story being “Hollywood-ized”. The story was fairly believable and down to earth. I can’t comment on the accuracy of any of it, but from what I was already familiar with, […]
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Tags: Eduardo Saverin, Facebook, fake, gates, geek, hollywood, mark zuckerberg, movie, Myspace, napster, Palo Alto, review, sean parker, shawn fanning, social network, thefacebook, twins