It’s been less than 24 hours since I dropped hnn-hnn (Jan-Jan) and Bumpa off at the airport. Survival mode is already engaged. The Mirkwood fog must have been pouring through the vents as we slept. What day is it? What’s that noise? What’s that smell? I sold my soul to the sirens of Sesame Street […]
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Tags: bumpa, family, help, hnn hnn, inlaws, kids, love, sick, sleep, wife
How important are expiration dates to you? They’re intended to protect consumers from health risks, but also maintain quality of the product. I almost think that not following dates becomes more wasteful of your time since you’re constantly evaluating the quality or the “edible level” rather than just drawing the line and moving on. Efficiency […]
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Tags: approval, bad, best by, dairy, date, decision, eggs, expiration date, expire, expired, fda, food, meat, milk, observation, poll, question, sell by, sick, sour, suggestion, use by
I’ve told this story to only a few people. You might be a little grossed out, but it’s pretty funny. Sometime when I was in college, my cousin, Adam, invited me to take a trip to Cedar Point with a bunch of his friends. We met up at like 6 am and drove out to […]
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Tags: Adam, cedar point, friends, funny, g force, mantis, people, roller coaster, sick, sinus, snot, upside down
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