I was staying in a hotel with Kallie’s family, and I went over to the other room where everyone was. As soon as I walked through the door, Wally prompted me to answer this question. I paused, half defeated. I thought I was in an unfair position due to my freshman dorm experience at Pitt. […]
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Tags: behaviorism, disrepectful, dorms, family, freud, germs, gross, Kallie, lothrop, Lothrop Hall, pavlov, pee, Pitt, sink, sleep, university of pittsburgh, urination, wally
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It’s been a while since I posted a personal update. Things in married life go well. New job goes well. Thinking about going back to school in the fall. That might be the level of detail you get in the updates going forward…not really sure. I don’t really want to write about my life with […]
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Tags: Atonement, bible, Billy Talent, Blade Runner, Cheyne Stoking, christ, church, Dead Man Shoes, dreams, easter, Everclear, friends, funny, God, Heinz Hall, home, house, internet meme, J. Alfred Prufrock, Kallie, Keren, love, Michael Jackson, Mike, mom, movie, Nova Scotia, people, pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Symphony, poem, President of the United States of America, sad, school, sleep, song, Soul Coughing, Sparkle and Fade, travel, United States of America, Waking Life, War of the Worlds
When the most beautiful words I never spoke, Are at the tip of my tongue and then I choke On the possibility that you might respond, And then we’ll meet, and I’ll grow fond Of the way your hair slowly covers your eye. Or the way your hand gently brushes mine. Or how the blood […]
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Tags: blue eyes, dream, dreams, family, girl, love, movie, movies, people, poem, sleep, words
When did you last sleep in a bed outside your home? – hehe, umm…the night before last? SCANDAL! When did you last drive someone else’s car? – Hey, my truck is in the shop! >:( I have been driving Kallie or Deirdre’s car a lot. I need my truck in all this snow though! When did you […]
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Tags: Deirdre, home, Kallie, sleep, Work
turning 25 on the 16th…wow. Deirdre just showed me a pic from my high school soccer days and said, "here’s you almost 10 years ago." WTF 10 years ago??! When the crap did that happen!?!? shoot. I havent done half of what i had hoped i’d do by the time i’m 25. It’s really depressing, […]
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Tags: Deirdre, happy, hill district, house, Mayor, people, pittsburgh, pittsburgh mayor, play, school, slacker and social engineer, sleep, soccer, Work, wtf
Comments: 2, 3,171 views
29 October, 2007 (05:18) | Dreams |
wow. I think i see a trend going on here. i woke up at almost 4:15am from this dream. I had gone to bed about 4 am last night and slept until 5:30, and went to bed around 1am. I’ll have to start recording the times and such of these dreams. I’m going to leave […]
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Tags: AOL, Bruce, dad, Deirdre, dreams, family, funny, house, memories, movie, people, pepsi products, play, serah, sleep, What dreams may come, Work
Comments: 4, 3,359 views