18 April, 2007 (11:39) | Dreams |
there’s major construction on the road i take home from work. When i’m really tired, and i can tell it’s going to be at least 90 minutes to get home based on where traffic is backed up, I’ll pull into walmart parking lot and sleep. This is what I did today. Sometimes I sleep laying […]
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Tags: chair, dreams, home, left hand, memories, Sandra Bullock, sleep, Work
Comments: 4, 3,699 views
They say New York is the city that never sleeps. There’s always somewhere to go and something to do no matter what time of day (or night) it is. I believe this to be because new york has so many people living in it, and so many people on different work/sleep/life cycles that business and […]
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Tags: movie, new york, people, pittsburgh, sleep, Work
So i’m slowly making my way home today in traffic, and i see this sign that has a picture of two lanes coming together and splitting again, and the caption saying “Weave Area.” I don’t know if it’s the altered state of consciousness from lack of sleep, but i kept focusing on this phrase. Weave […]
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Tags: home, sleep
Comments: 8, 3,448 views
got the call from walmart saturday and so i went and picked up my 2 60gb playstations. probably post them on ebay this thursday, just in time for some last minute christmas rushers. I’m slacking on the 1 online class i have…the crappy thing is, not a single grade has been posted, so i have […]
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Tags: Christmas, family, Italy, Keren, online class, sleep, Work
Things to do over my 12 day birthday weekend… Personal Development Make at least 1 life altering decision Became a organ donor Work out at least 3 times…1/3…FAIL! Become 24 years of age in mind, body, and soul…It was achieved a few times, feeling pretty good DO NOT SLEEP IN!…SUCCESS! Do something you’ve never had […]
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Tags: art, birthday, cellular telephone, church, Death Cab for Cutie, driver, friends, game, house, movie, oil, people, Playstation 3, sleep, song, Work
alright, i have a chance to fill you in on everything since the last update. It’s been a busy few weeks. so finals for classes sucked, but i got through them with an 88% and an 84%. kinda sucky about the 88%, because I thought for sure I was going to get an A in […]
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Tags: Adam, Chris, code, Coors, Curtis, Deirdre, denver, Fish Creek Falls, funny, home, Jordan, Josh Hall, Kim, Minneapolis, nurse, people, pharmacist, professor, same professor, school, sleep, song, TAKE ME BACK TO THE HOSPITAL, the oscars, United Kingdom, Work, wtf