Look, I’m not some super educated person, and I’ll never claim to be. It’s very possibly, and probably likely, everyone already knows this, but this just dawned on me the other day. I’m not even going to bother researching it further because 1)I’m sure it’s there and 2) I won’t understand what they’re talking about […]
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Tags: camera, earth, idea, space, telecope, thought, time travel
One of my favorite things in industrial and functional art is efficient use of space. People design their furniture and living spaces to make life work well in small places. This ins’t your feng shui movement/placement, this is getting the best use out of space. I’ve seen hgtv shows where couples fit everything they own, […]
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Tags: art, books, efficient, hidden, home, house, Kallie, living, people, PHP, shelf, shelves, space, stairs, storage, Work
Taking the thoughts of this old post (talks about keeping buried bodies from decomposing naturally and feeding new growth) a little bit further, I was thinking about the space that bodies and graveyards are consuming. Certainly with huge population growths, cemeteries have to be filling up, and you don’t build up, you build out. So, if […]
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Tags: Arlington Cemetery, bodies, body, consumption, dead, Dubai, metal coming, metals, recycle, Shanghai, space, thoughts
ok, Quantum Star is now fully functional. You can buy, trade, sell space ships, mine for fuel and metal, attack other players, defend your planet, and lots more! Legend of the Green Dragon has a few more mods added to it too.
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Tags: green, more, Quantum, space
Well, i think pacman is fixed. Don’t put a space in your username when you submit a high score. there is also a new survey on the right, let me know what you think. I put up a gallery!! please post as many pictures as you wish, and everyone try to use it and give […]
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Tags: give, pictures, Put, space, think
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