This post was going to start off as a bit of a stupid people rant, but a few people redeemed it from frustration and dragged it into entertaining. Possibly, the sheer ridiculousness of the entire thing brought it to the ‘funny’ category too. Yesterday, I got this email: From: Katlyn Fergus Sent: July 7, 2011 […]
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Tags: bcc, cc, distribution, drama, email, entertainment, etiquette, funny, gmail, Google, hack, IT, list, never gunna give you up, phishing, pnc, porn, random, rickroll, ridiculous, rmu, Robert Morris, security, spam, stupid, stupid people, turtles, wtf
If you’ve got a bunch of unrelated people in the To or CC recipient sections, you’re doing it wrong. Unless everyone needs to know of replies immediately, use the BCC. An informational trick here is to just copy and paste who it went to in the body of the email.
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Tags: bcc, bulk, cc, email, emails, ettiquette, mass email, recipient, send, spam