Talking with Chris Olivieri one day, we got into how cursive is useless and shouldn’t be taught any more. If we wanted to teach children how to write differently, teach them a different language. To take that a step further, you could teach everyone in the world the same extra language. That might draw us all a […]
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Tags: Chris, culture, cursive, global, greek, hebrew, language, languages, latin, lexicon, linguist, speak, spelling, words, world, write, writing
Do your best to avoid creating problems for yourself and your offspring. IE: if you chose a name for them that is in any way entertaining, that’s setting them up to be taunted. They’re name should be easy to pronounce correctly (phonetics works). I knew someone named Parker Brothers, Chris Cross, and Secretia. Those are […]
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Tags: awkward, family, frustrating, grammar, kids, names, nomenclature, normal, rules, silly, social order, spelling
Although you have the right and freedom to express your ideas and ideals as you wish, you also need to respect the interpretation and misinterpretation of that from others. IE: You can name your kid after objects like “Blanket”, “Apple“, or even “Ocean”, but you’re going to seem a bit odd by social standards. Related: […]
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Tags: baby, creative, expression, freedom, names, nomenclature, people, phonetic, rules, spelling
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