We have skin in a can now. some guy gets 2nd degree burns on a Friday, they scrape some stem cells from him, spray them on his wounds, and he’s all healed up with barely any scars by Monday. It’s like the coolest use of an air spray gun. Reminds me of an old […]
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Tags: airbrush, burn, cell, gun, heal, medical, medicne, paint, research, skin, skin cell gun, spray, stem cell
16 March, 2011 (12:00) | Dreams |
Someone needs to invent the technology to record dreams. I have so many ideas and write so many songs in my dreams that I can’t remember when I wake up. This is one of the ideas that I do remember. I was involved in the creation and marketing of a device that added realism to […]
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Tags: 3d, box, chair, consumer, disney, interactive, mist, movie, spray, technology, theater, theatre, water