escalators are not accessibilty aids, they’re there for efficiency, and should be used as such. They’re designed to get people where they need to go faster. ie: don’t just stand on the escalator. If you can’t walk up or down them, you should be on an ELEVator. EXCEPTION CLAUSE: IF you decide to ignore this […]
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Tags: burn calories, climb, efficiency, efficient, elevator, escalator, exercise, fat, lazy, move, otis, people, people mover, speed, stairs, time, walk
Without going into the dream that inspired it, I want to have a basement or at least a low level room/area that is only accessible by a staircase that is on a third or second story. The ides is to have a normal stairwell where staircases are stacked on top of each other, but it […]
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Tags: basement, design, house, secret, staircase, stairs
One of my favorite things in industrial and functional art is efficient use of space. People design their furniture and living spaces to make life work well in small places. This ins’t your feng shui movement/placement, this is getting the best use out of space. I’ve seen hgtv shows where couples fit everything they own, […]
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Tags: art, books, efficient, hidden, home, house, Kallie, living, people, PHP, shelf, shelves, space, stairs, storage, Work
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