well, personal updates have been lacking from me for a few reasons. One is, the dragon game has been demanding more and more from me as more and more players are coming, and more and more players are advancing in the game. A few other people have offered to pitch in with the coding aspect, […]
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Tags: Academic Consulting, game, home, people, starving artist
Comments: 2, 2,522 views
well i still am in a major down. i havent left my apartment since tuesday, and that was to get some pizza downtown at sbarro’s. and befor that i havent left since work sunday. and before that, it was jubillee. i didnt go to cornerstone, i am so self destructive. i want to tear every […]
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Tags: create, dreams, happy, Keren, music, people, PHP, play, school, sleep, starving artist, thoughts, Work
Comments: 2, 2,531 views