And I’m fine with that. Honestly, I do feel a huge sense of ‘next chapter’ in my life. I’m not sure that it was very gradual either. I’m feeling like I’ve drawn a line in my mind; “Here are the thoughts, actions, desires, and goals of what used to be, and on this side is […]
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Tags: 20x30, 30, adventure, birthday, fun, goals, life, reputation, status, stuff
Give generously. I’m not talking [just] monetarily. I am talking about your stuff, your time, your work, your abilities. Sometimes I take flak about how I will sell anything I own. It’s true, if I’m not using it, I don’t want it taking up space. If someone else would use it, all the better. […]
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Tags: bible, charity, donation, give, giving, goodwill, money, stuff, time, Work
Don’t replace things that aren’t broken. You don’t need that flat screen TV if you have a perfectly fine TV that is meeting your needs. only upgrade when something is broken or lacking necessary functionality. If you’ve ever plated the video game The Sims, think about all the money you wasted in furniture buying through the […]
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Tags: broken, busted, feature, improved, new, obsolete, old, replace, sims, stuff, tv, upgrade
#84 – Life is defined by maintenance. All you do in life is try to maintain it. You eat for energy to do it again. you sleep to do it again. You work to pay for it again. You do more or something new to make you happy…again. Life becomes a huge cycle of maintenance. […]
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Tags: bills, eat, enegery, food, happiness, life, live, maintain, maintenance, pay, play, sleep, stuff, Work
Don’t let your stuff define or enslave you. You are not your duvet cover. If you ever saw the movie Along Came Polly, you’ll remember the scene where the couple discusses the bed pillows. Why do you have stuff that you have to put on and take off every night and every morning? Your […]
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Tags: along came polly, bed, decoration, duvet cover, fight club, life, maintenance, pillow, stuff, waste, why
Cherish people, not stuff. Inspired from my brother-in-law, Robbie. Things are just things. Too often people attach memories to the objects rather than the people associated with the item. An argument could be made that it’s too easy to forget about that person or act if you got rid of the item, but the real […]
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Tags: affection, horder, materialism, memory, objects, people, people stuff, remember, Robbie, sentiment, sentimental, stuff