How much does the bathroom door being closed affect the temperature of your shower experience? This is one of the times where I’m not looking into the science of things, but just your existing impressions and emotions about how you feel about the temperature of your shower if the door the bathroom is open. Privacy […]
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Tags: door, shower, temperature
27 September, 2012 (12:00) | Reviews |
In short – If Apple were to make a baby monitor, it would be the Withings Smart Baby Monitor. You will want it as soon as you see your friend use it. When you look at the package, you will think that little naked cherubs designed it all to fit together for you to […]
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Tags: app, baby, baby monitor, best, camera, ever, internet, iphone, monitor, night vision, portable, review, temperature, withings
Here’s a little trick I learned from a friend. There’s another way to tell how your meat is prepared other than color. Take your hand and touch your index to your thumb. Now feel that meaty part between your thumb and wrist. That’s what rare feels like. Middle to them will make it feel like […]
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Tags: cook, done, feel, food, hint, meat, medium, PINK, pittsburgh, preparation, rare, steak, temperature, tip, trick, well
17 February, 2012 (12:00) | FYI/DIY |
It’s called the Mpemba effect. It’s a weird phenomenon that has been repeated, but not effectively recreated. I had heard about it a long time ago, something like a friend told me to put hot water in the ice tray so that it would freeze faster. It doesn’t seem like that’s entirely valid, but maybe. […]
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Tags: boil, cold, effect, freeze, hot, law, mpemba, science, temperature, water
Which would you rather be? Extremely cold or extremely hot? I can’t stand the heat. I get sweaty, tired, and irritable. Also, when you’re hot, you can’t do much to cool down. When you’re cold, you can run around or something to get warm.
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Tags: air conditioning, burn, cold, freeze, hot, park, poll, sun, temperature, warm, weather
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