Awesome. First off, as an action/super-hero movie, it has everything. It could have done a little more mutant fighting and special powers, but over all it was nice because it wasn’t over the top. Not much CGI (and the bits that exist are very well done) so it’s believable. No MAJOR plot holes, logic fails, […]
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Tags: comic, magneto, marvel, movie, movies, professor x, review, sentinels, stan lee, theater, theatre, wolverine, x-men, xmen
16 March, 2011 (12:00) | Dreams |
Someone needs to invent the technology to record dreams. I have so many ideas and write so many songs in my dreams that I can’t remember when I wake up. This is one of the ideas that I do remember. I was involved in the creation and marketing of a device that added realism to […]
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Tags: 3d, box, chair, consumer, disney, interactive, mist, movie, spray, technology, theater, theatre, water