When my dad passed away in December 2004, I had already not been talking to him for years. During those years of not talking to him, I’d visit my grandma and she’d always tell me that I needed to make amends with him before something happened to him. As I’m preparing to become a father […]
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Tags: dad, daddy, decisions, emotions, father, feelings, growing up, life, maturity, reflection, thinking
“Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel.” – Horace Walpole
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Tags: comedy, errors, feelings, happiness, life, think, thinker, thinking, thought, thoughts, tragedy
15 November, 2010 (12:00) | |
By my 30th birthday, Friday, November 16th, 2012, I’d like to accomplish a few things. I got the idea to come up with the list from my friend, Ben, but I’m not ambitious enough to list 100 things in 1000 days. I was thinking about just doing “24 things in 24 months” but that makes […]
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Tags: 30, album, art, basement, bathroom, bike, birthday, books, cd, city, country, creative, DC, different, digital, Do, Fix, give, idea, Kallie, LEGO, list, music, original, people, pittsburgh, poem, professional, program, project, promotion, rrod, run, school, song, take, thinking, time, track, xbox
Comments: 5, 23,793 views
One day, I’m going to hurt you. Even if I don’t know who you are. Even if I don’t mean to. I won’t mean to hurt you. Even if was thinking about it. Even if I’m mad at you. It might be emotional pain. May be physical too… Or in place of; it’s hard to […]
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Tags: life, mean, thinking
you can now comment on the pictures in the gallery. Took a while to figure out how to use that system. I went through the downloads and validated them. Let me know if you find any that are dead. I mihgt have missed a few. I plan to upload a bunch of stuff in the […]
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Tags: COMING, free, help, pictures, plan, thinking
so, thinking about Speciesism, and i think it’s very easily self-defeated. I usually don’t take such a strong position right away on issues, but i’m not seeing any logic behind it. they complain that humans shouldn’t kill/eat/abuse animals because it’s being predujice based on species. so why not stop lions from killing gazelles? Why is […]
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Tags: animals, killing, take, think, thinking, why, will
Comments: 16, 3,958 views
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