Taking the thoughts of this old post (talks about keeping buried bodies from decomposing naturally and feeding new growth) a little bit further, I was thinking about the space that bodies and graveyards are consuming. Certainly with huge population growths, cemeteries have to be filling up, and you don’t build up, you build out. So, if […]
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Tags: Arlington Cemetery, bodies, body, consumption, dead, Dubai, metal coming, metals, recycle, Shanghai, space, thoughts
If there’s one thing that I hate most, it’s when people tell me things have to be a certain way, "just because." This post is not directed at any 1 person, but at 1 particular thought. When someone says that gift cards are cheating or call me lazy for giving gift cards, what they are not […]
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Tags: Christmas, love, money, people, thoughts, travel, Work
Comments: 4, 2,866 views
heh, just browsing through the old posts on my blog and found this: http://www.sixf00t4.com/article480.html Pretty funny considering the timing and my recent thoughts on turning 26. I don’t remember writing that post at all, and that is why I love documenting my life.
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Tags: funny, love, thoughts
So, here’s the story of what I’ve been going through with my truck. I don’t consider this a closed issue until it’s back in my possession safe and sound. Friday night my truck was making a weird whistling noise as I headed out to Philly to spend the weekend with Kallie and bring back her […]
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Tags: Chester, dealer, gas tank, good mechanic, happy, home, Kallie, mechanic, money, New Jersey, philly, serah, Sunoco, thoughts, Work
I was reading a blog entry at Thatnight.net and as she listed things she doesn’t blog about, I started to think about all the things that I don’t blog about. You won’t see a lot of temporary emotion here. You might see the songs and poems that they inspire, but you won’t see it in a […]
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Tags: emotion, inspire, Thatnight.net, The Hills, thoughts
Comments: 4, 3,945 views
you’d think I’d have something to say…something to rant about…after a week of nothing notable being posted, surely I’d have some storehouse full of interesting thoughts or ideas…surely something would have happened in a week that I could share with you…but I’m at a loss. I’ve been too busy with work and life to have time […]
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Tags: home, ideas, rant, thoughts, Work