27 December, 2012 (12:00) | Top 10 |
TED talks are great. There’s just so many of them, that it’s hard to know which ones to watch. Well, here’s the 10 most viewed: http://www.news.com.au/business/executive-lounge/brains-trust-ted-talks-most-viewed-videos/story-fng3e17m-1226520145281
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Tags: talks, TED, top 10
I stumbled on Austin Kleon’s list here. I’ll break down his list, and add in my own advice and support for each of them. After all, all advice is autobiographical and all I’m doing is stealing like an artist. A lot of these are already similar to a Hall’s Rule of Social Order, and some […]
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Tags: advice., ARTIST, Austin Kleon, create, creativity, life, list, people, quote, read, rules, steal, top 10, Work