havent posted since tuesday! what did you miss?? nothing. I went into Touchtown today, took the bus in. good times. We just brainstormed on marketing ideas, and getting the documentation helpful for people signing up, and just a few other odds and ends. users playing the dragon game doubled this month compared to last month, so […]
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Tags: game, ideas, Jordan, Mike, people, Touchtown, Work
[ugh] I got pulled over for speeding today on 51. I don’t know how fast I was going, and neither does the cop. What I do know though, was I was not alone, i was in traffic, i was just keeping pace with the truck infront of me, i was in the left lane. When […]
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Tags: car show, Chris, cornerstone site, mom, Touchtown, Work
We ended up meeting with the Roselius family yesterday, even though both of us were short a few siblings, and we weren’t all together for that long, it was still a good time, and openned the door for more events and get togethers in the future. Touchtown is getting pretty busy. I am getting 2 […]
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Tags: Chad, christ, family, ISP, love, people, Scott, Touchtown
I just got done watching the movie Love, Actually. What a beautiful movie! It is about the agony of love, and the many faces it has. Wonderful. and something i am really exited about. So now i have another title. Don’t ask me where that title came from though, i have no clue.:) Guess that […]
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Tags: Billy Talent, cellular telephone, Chris, happy, Josh Hall, love, movie, people, Touchtown
J’aime and Dan slept over my house tonight since they were visiting Dan’s mom with her surgery. So far everything seems to have gone well, no signs of paralysis as they had feared. well, i am officially the “tech leader” for Cornerstone now. Should be cool. I have no idea what my responsibilities are yet, […]
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Tags: Christmas, happy, house, mom, people, tech leader, Touchtown
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well my sleep behavior is probably the worst it has ever been. I stay up til 5 am, wake up at 10, and still can’t go to sleep before 2 am. I dont know what it is. If i let myself sleep naturally, i always sleep for atleast 10 hours though. just surfing tonight really, […]
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Tags: happy, serah, sleep, Touchtown