Travel season is upon us! Where are you headed this year? We’re not sure what we’ll do yet, but will probably involve going away for at least a weekend, maybe more. Kallie seems to want to get to a beach of some sort too.
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Tags: beach, disney, domestic, internation, summer, tourist, travel, trip, vacation
Kallie and I found a nice groupon getaway to the Lowes Annapolis Hotel. We stayed a Saturday and Sunday night. During the first night, there was an event held in the main atrium of the hotel. I could imagine the noise from that event carried into the 6 floors of rooms that surrounded the atrium. […]
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Tags: annapolis, app, breakfast, food, groupon, guide, historic, history, hotel, inn, iphone, lowes, Maryland, middleton, review, reynolds, tavern, tour, town, trip, vacation, visit, walk
My friend Ashley used to be super politically active. Maybe she still is, not sure. Prior to the 2008 election though, she was working as a volunteer for Barak Obama’s campaign. He had a stop planned for somewhere in Ohio, perhaps Youngstown, and she wanted to go, but didn’t have a car. I had my […]
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Tags: ashley, barak, barak obama, book, campaign, college, obama, ohio, president, trip
I’m sure you probably heard by now, but Pittsburgh was ranked on of the best places of the world by National Geographic. I, too, am a little skeptic and possibly embarrassed. Sonoma Valley, Ca was the only other US location selected. I mean, Pittsburgh’s great n’@, but I don’t think it’s worthy of the 7 […]
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Tags: California, city, makeover, n'@, national geographic, pittsburgh, sonoma, steel city, tour, travel, trip, visit, world
Kallie and I drove to Chicago on Oct 15th for the Urbanathlon on the 16th. We were a little scared about the 7.5 hour drive since our car has been giving us so many (expensive) problems. It lasted though, and hopefully we didn’t shave off too many days of it’s life. We stayed at the […]
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Tags: car, chicago, detroit, food, fruit sushi, frushi, gary sinese, girl and the goat, holiday inn, Kallie, orange, race, restaurant, review, steppenwolf, trip, urbanathlon, west loop
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