23 August, 2012 (12:00) | Top 10 |
There’s no playing until the clock stops. The clock at the end of the game just expires if the leader has possession, and I’ve seen games where there’s like 20 seconds left and all the players and coaches are already celebrating on the field. It’s unsportsmanlike. There’s wasted real time. Change your lines. Get set […]
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Tags: boring, entertainment, football, futbol, game, hype, industry, money, pittsburgh, racket, soccer, sport, steelers, super bowl, tights, tv
Don’t replace things that aren’t broken. You don’t need that flat screen TV if you have a perfectly fine TV that is meeting your needs. only upgrade when something is broken or lacking necessary functionality. If you’ve ever plated the video game The Sims, think about all the money you wasted in furniture buying through the […]
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Tags: broken, busted, feature, improved, new, obsolete, old, replace, sims, stuff, tv, upgrade
If you are relying on electricity, you aren’t camping. That includes having to recharge or replace batteries. I’m all for modern camping, but the point of camping is to get away from your normal life, not bring all the crap along with you. Some people would say that if you can’t carry it on […]
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Tags: batteries, camping, cell phones, electricity, RV, technology, tv
Today didn’t go quite how I wanted it to go. I lost structure and got distracted and demotivated a lot. We’ll see if I can get better for tomorrow. 7:30 am – Wake up for an 8:00am workday start from home Noon – quick jaunt to the local post office to send off some last […]
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Tags: alone, amazon, audio, best buy, commerce, computer, exercise, home, home depot, Kallie, lair, living ministry, money, music, pittsburgh, ridiculous, rock bottom, run, speakers, target, tv, who's still standing?
You knew someone was going to do it eventually. Back in 2009, British Television host, James May, and a group of volunteers set out to create the house in the UK. Sure, they made sure it had a solid wood frame structure, but everything else is all LEGO. There was something about James actually living […]
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Tags: brick, britain, house, james may, LEGO, life, life size, model, real, real life, scale, toy stories, tv, uk
26 April, 2011 (12:00) | News |
http://www.hgtv.com/green-home/index.html Vote often! Invite me when you win! It’s outside Denver, Colorado this year. You can also enter twice a day this year if you use the frontdoor.com site as well.
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Tags: 2011, colorado, contest, dever, dream home, giveaway, green, hgtv, home, house, sweepstakes, tv, win