Honestly, I’ve never been impressed with Lowe’s. I grew up on 84 lumber, and now Home Depot is closest. Anyway… In my LEGO storage efforts, I found Stanley cases to be awesome. I’ve found a couple different models of these portable containers to be just what I needed. In my online searching, I found a […]
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Tags: care, container, customer service, deal, email, hardware, home depot, LEGO, lowes, organizer, portable, response, stanley, storage, tool, tools, website
Comments: 1, 4,527 views
If you are not the customer, you are the product. Facebook doesn’t care about its website. It cares about the content it can get from you. Social media has created a market for selling users. Bloggers, tweets, and mobile apps are all valued by how many followers they have.
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Tags: advertisement, customer, Facebook, marketing, product, profit, website
1 June, 2011 (12:00) | News |
I’ve been away from the game long enough that some of you may not know my involvement in the free online role playing game, Legend of the Green Dragon. This weekend, June 4th (6/4), a bunch of players are getting back on as a sort of reunion, and I thought it might be a good […]
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Tags: character, dragon, free, fun, game, King, legend of the green dragon, mmorpg, online, open source, role playing, RPG, textbased, website
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