human knowledge belongs to the world. You’re ridiculous if you claim your knowledge is your own. There is so much that contributes to your knowledge that you’re taking for granted. Also, if you keep your knowledge to yourself, you’re also preventing someone else from doing something else with it. Maybe even making it better.
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Tags: creation, entrepreneur, fight club, free, human, intellectual property, knowledge, member, Non nobis solum, open source, original, patent, share, thought, will
You can do anything. It’s sounds cliche, but it’s true. You define what you perceive as your limitations. It’s also important to not that just because you can do anything, doesn’t mean you’d enjoy it, or that it would come as easy as it does for others.
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Tags: demotivation, desire, hope, i could be amazing, just do it, limitation, motivation, power, self, struggle, will
"To whom much is given, from him much will be required." – Luke 12:48
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Tags: will
i was reading the lord of the flies this weekend, and came upon a sentence that struck me as awkward as it started out. "Here there were waves that beat against the sandy shore." Awkward, because of the first three words. Here. There. Were. 3 words, that look aesthetically the same, but phonetically are completely different. […]
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Tags: awkward, first, time, will
so, thinking about Speciesism, and i think it’s very easily self-defeated. I usually don’t take such a strong position right away on issues, but i’m not seeing any logic behind it. they complain that humans shouldn’t kill/eat/abuse animals because it’s being predujice based on species. so why not stop lions from killing gazelles? Why is […]
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Tags: animals, killing, take, think, thinking, why, will
Comments: 16, 3,963 views
we are going to be switching from 1 server for the database and webfiles to a 2 server system, which should increase performance dramatically. You may experience some small outages in the next week or so, but hopefully all will go smoothly.
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Tags: will