Stop apologizing. The more you apologize, the cheaper your apologies get. The world is plagued with what seems to be a responsibility to apologize when someone 1) doesn’t agree 2) is offended or 3) just doesn’t like what you said. That last one is the linchpin and probably what is causing the disease. It […]
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Tags: apologize, apology, forgiveness, move on, offended, ruckus, rude, sorry, statement, thick skin, words
Don’t do or say anything you wouldn’t have your mother know.
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Tags: actions, mom, mother, watching, words
The English language is stupid. It’s ludicrous. Rules, then exceptions to those rules. Logic, then words that defy that logic. We’ve have this stupid language for centuries, and we just continue with the madness. There is no end in sight. Sometimes, I wonder if the AOLers and shorthand IMers are pure evil or truly revolutionary […]
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Tags: american, AOL, english, engrish, gallagher, im, language, r, rules, say, speak, stupid, text, though, tough hough, u, words, write, your
“I hold it be a proof of great prudence for men to abstain from threats and insulting words towards anyone, for neither…diminishes the strength of the enemy; but the one makes him more cautious and the other increases his hatred of you and makes him more persevering in his efforts to injure you.” – Niccolo […]
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Tags: anger, effect, fear, insult, leadership, Machiavelli, men, opposite, reactance, words
Words are stupid. Whatever happened to “sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me”? Words are really tools of destruction by nature, even though they can be used to come off as temporary good, but if those words aren’t maintained, it’s really just a form of prolonged destruction. Only once […]
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Tags: actions, lie, lies, lying, people, talk, words
I was at work walking from my cube to the elevators and I passed 2 guys I know talking about eye doctors who wear glasses instead of contacts having no expertise to share with people who wear contacts. As I passed them, directly on the other side of a cube wall next to them is […]
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Tags: coincidence, contacts, conversation, funny, mall weird, office, sblackberry, talk, things overheard, words