When we were up at Yankanuck, J’aime and Keren came up with this idea to send grandma a newsletter every month, and call it “tell-a-gram”?. We would each take a month heading up the letter. No one ever did it, until J’aime took some intitiative last week to get us all to write a little […]
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Tags: birthday, dad, food, friends, home, internet appliances, Keren, movie, music, secretary, soul food, Work, wtf, yankanuck
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october. It went from 70 degree weather to 50 in the matter of a day or two. i’m not happy. effing october. Went down to annapolis this weekend with my sisters to hang out with serah. it was a good time. we didnt really do all that much, but it was nice to hang out. […]
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Tags: birthday, happy, Mike, mom, money, school, serah, Work
Threw up last night at 2am. Havent thrown up since i was like 12. so i stayed home from work today. Dunno what’s going on with my body. It might be the weight loss thing. this morning i woke up and weighed myself, and i was 192. at the beginning of the year, i was […]
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Tags: head, home, house, love, manager, movie, national guard, new orleans, school, Work
31 August, 2005 (15:05) | News |
Did you know that Notorious B.I.G. and Biggie Smalls is/was the same person? I just found that out today at work. and if you knew that, then go read the top 10 reasons why Sug Knight killed 2pac. http://www.ewsonline.com/2pac/sugekill.html
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Tags: Notorious B.I.G, Work
Nearing the end of august, and i’ve got a lot on my plate. Big surprise there. Majorly back-logged with code work needed in the dragon game. It certainly isn’t a burden though. I find the game extremely rewarding. Having som many interesting people, from all over the world playing, seeing how they all interact, being […]
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Tags: bank, blah, Chris, code, dad, Deirdre, game, home, house, Keren, love, Maryland, mom, money, Penn, people, play, school, teacher, Work
“Did you ever have a job that you hated and worked real hard at? A long, hard day of work. Finally you get to go home, get in bed, close your eyes and immediately you wake up and realize… that the whole day at work had been a dream. It’s bad enough that you sell […]
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Tags: dreams, home, money, Work