Tag: Work

dream content

25 August, 2005 (05:28) | Thoughts & Ideas

with last night’s dream of my dad and the reoccurence of such dreams, along with a few recent dreams taking place at work, I’m thinking about what the unleashed and undirtied mind dreams about. Meaning, these are things that are in my life, about things that are happenning right now. I almost grow frustrated that […]

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special dad

25 August, 2005 (05:17) | Dreams

I’ve been having a lot of dreams about my dad, only recently, he has been pretty much mentally retarded. Now, my first instinct to that would be to laugh, but having done the research and being as interested in dreams and their relation to the real world as I am, I am perplexed as to […]

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dietary needs

11 July, 2005 (10:05) | Ramblings

So i have been trying to lose weight and get in shape and eat right and all that jazz. I usually eat one meal a day, and everyone was telling me that the key to good weight loss is to eat more small meals rather than large meals. They say to eat a breakfast, lunch, […]

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that girl is poison

29 June, 2005 (06:02) | Personal Update

ugh, kinda in a bad mood. I officially hate my public speaking class. It’s way too intense and the guidlines are to strict. My incompetence doesn’t help much with that either. I’ve got poison ivy from working at the estate this weekend too. kinda draining. We did make good progress on the yard though, mike […]

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I defy all odds

31 May, 2005 (09:27) | Ramblings

I drink this 20 oz nestea cool a couple of times a week at work, and on the label it says 1 in 12 wins. i’ve had about 20, and i got nothing. born a loser.

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speed of life

25 May, 2005 (05:37) | Personal Update

So one of those houses that i was looking at has water damage, and the bank might foreclose on it, which means I could get it on the cheap. I have a realtor looking into it for me. I’m in the mood for a life altering decision. Jordan (who is probably reading this) freaked out […]

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