One of my favorite things in industrial and functional art is efficient use of space. People design their furniture and living spaces to make life work well in small places. This ins’t your feng shui movement/placement, this is getting the best use out of space. I’ve seen hgtv shows where couples fit everything they own, […]
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Tags: art, books, efficient, hidden, home, house, Kallie, living, people, PHP, shelf, shelves, space, stairs, storage, Work
Had a dream about a video game last night. It was a free roam world, 3rd person, kind of like the game Black & White. All the characters were animals and you had to interact with them to learn "concepts" like trading, communication, hiring, etc to get things done. The point was just to create […]
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Tags: create, game, George Orwell, happy, money, Work
Comments: 2, 4,902 views
Sitting around a friend’s house Saturday, Nick, Andy, and I had a fleeting idea for a new business. We’ll call it Retro’s. It’s a store where they have every video game console available for you to play. You’d have to have the systems behind a case, and only employees are allowed to handle them. Patrons […]
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Tags: business, console, game, games, house, membership, Nintendo, play, retro, video games, Work
Updates have been few and far between around here! I can’t remember the last time I did a personal update, but i don’t think it’s been this year! I was trying to make an update at least once a month before. Let me see what I can recap for you… The wedding plans go well. […]
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Tags: art, Ben Beitzel, California, car couple, christ, code, Deirdre, easter, family, Greek Easter, house, Kallie, LEGO, love, music, Nathan Sawaya, P90x, people, play, Sacramento, Work
I’m in a dressing room today, and someone comes into the area next to mine and begins talking to himself. I think he’s crazy. This of course is not the first person I’ve ever heard talk to themselves out loud though. So I wonder why people do it? Is it simply that they never learned to think […]
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Tags: people, Work
Comments: 4, 2,425 views
My family is the most important thing in my life. Period, end of sentence. This weekend, I missed a weekend with all of them because I had a project at work fail last weekend, and we needed to finish it this weekend. It was suposed to be a minor inconvenience. We’d start at 9am, be done […]
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Tags: Chief technology officer, family, happy, home, Work
Comments: 2, 2,746 views