Maybe inspired from the show Home improvement, or maybe my old dentist, Dr. Birch, but I’d like to build my own car. I’d love to have a place in a garage to just work on it for years slowly building it, making sure I’m doing it right, learning about how it all works. Having some […]
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Tags: Birch, dentist, friends, home, love, polished steel, Work
As I was walking to work this morning, a late 20 year old guy was washing his cadillac, and I intently made eye contact with him, waved, and said hi to him. Not entirely characteristic of me, but he was close enough to be my neighbor, so I wanted to be neighborly. As I was […]
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Tags: driver, family, Family Dollar, hill district, Joshua Gibson, people, walker, Work
you know, I should really make an effort to make personal updates what I have something to say instead of these dull posts that just fade into archives and the history of me never to be read again, as if they were a polaroid photo where everyone has red eye… anyway. Drove out to delaware […]
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Tags: friends, house, Kallie, new york, people, philly, pittsburgh, serah, Work
Comments: 2, 2,771 views
so puts out 5 questions every friday for bloggers to answer, so I think i’ll play along. What did you last replace batteries for? – I try to use rechargable batteries where i can, but I’ve used a few AA in my wireless keyboard and mouse from time to time. What have you thrown […]
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Tags: dishwasher, house, Kallie, philly, play, Tim, wireless keyboard, Work
Comments: 2, 3,200 views
It’s crazy how emotional i am. I get deeply affected by how I feel and it shows in everything I do. If I’m sad, my eyes are heavy, i have no "pep" as my pap-pap used to say, and just a general sense of malaise. I try to tie it to my diet, but that […]
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Tags: sad, Work
New blog topic! This category will be for the short posts where something particular made me smile. Kallie and I flew from California to Philly Friday, and Saturday all my family was getting together, but I wasn’t planning on flying back until Sunday night. I called my family while Kallie and I were in the […]
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Tags: California, Deirdre, family, funny, home, Kallie, love, philly, Philly airport, US Airways, Work