LEGO Ideas is a site set up for people around the world to submit their ideas for possible sets. After I created my Cathedral of Learning and Stephen Foster Memorial in the Spring of 2012, I had many people ask me if I was going to submit it as a project for LEGO to review. […]
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Tags: architecture, bill peduto, building, cathedral of learning, cuusoo, Facebook, ideas, LEGO, people, Pitt, pittsburgh, project, support, university of pittsburgh, vote, world
I am God’s. I exist to serve His purpose for which He has designed and equipped me. These are constants and anything else is penultimate. I have been a believer my entire self-aware existence. This is a curse and a blessing. I am blessed because I’ve been on a steady path seeking His plan my […]
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Tags: academic, belief, christ, Christian, church, Faith, God, good, life, logic, works, world
“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” – Jimi Hendrix
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Tags: hendrix, jimi, jimi hendrix, love, peace, power, quote, world
I’m sure you probably heard by now, but Pittsburgh was ranked on of the best places of the world by National Geographic. I, too, am a little skeptic and possibly embarrassed. Sonoma Valley, Ca was the only other US location selected. I mean, Pittsburgh’s great n’@, but I don’t think it’s worthy of the 7 […]
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Tags: California, city, makeover, n'@, national geographic, pittsburgh, sonoma, steel city, tour, travel, trip, visit, world
If your problems are found to be geographic, leave. I’ll probably take some judgment here. I’ve always struggled with hungry people in 3rd world countries. Why are we taking the food and supplies directly to them? If school buildings, water wells, or something else enables the people to start caring for themselves, then great, but […]
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Tags: 3rd world, abandon, detroit, employment, flee, food, freedom, geography, get out of dodge, home, hunger, job, jobs, leave, liberty, michigan, nomad, poverty, problem, refuge, relocate, stubborn, travel, unemployment, vagabond, Work, world
Talking with Chris Olivieri one day, we got into how cursive is useless and shouldn’t be taught any more. If we wanted to teach children how to write differently, teach them a different language. To take that a step further, you could teach everyone in the world the same extra language. That might draw us all a […]
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Tags: Chris, culture, cursive, global, greek, hebrew, language, languages, latin, lexicon, linguist, speak, spelling, words, world, write, writing