This post was going to start off as a bit of a stupid people rant, but a few people redeemed it from frustration and dragged it into entertaining. Possibly, the sheer ridiculousness of the entire thing brought it to the ‘funny’ category too. Yesterday, I got this email: From: Katlyn Fergus Sent: July 7, 2011 […]
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Tags: bcc, cc, distribution, drama, email, entertainment, etiquette, funny, gmail, Google, hack, IT, list, never gunna give you up, phishing, pnc, porn, random, rickroll, ridiculous, rmu, Robert Morris, security, spam, stupid, stupid people, turtles, wtf
24 February, 2011 (10:08) | News |
There are some crazy things going on in Montana politics right now. Something about tea party, republicans, blah blah blah. here are just a few: 1. Legalize hunting with hand-thrown spear (Senate Bill 112) 2. Create fully-armed militia in every town (House Bill 278) 3. Allow legislators to carry weapons in the Capitol (Senate Bill […]
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Tags: law, montana, politics, ridiculous, seriously, tea party, vote, wtf
Comments: 1, 1,777 views
Here’s an example of one of my peers in my masters degree program. We have our first group assignment, and groups were chosen by the professor. Granted, there was some confusion on how to use the online system and communicate to multiple people, but this is the email she sends out… hello all I have […]
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Tags: communication, email, funny, people, random, school, stupid, wtf
Alright, this memory is going to be a little graphic, but i have to live with it, so I’m going to share it. With an opening sentence like that, how could you not read more? So while I was at pitt, I lived in Lothrop Hall. Lothrop Hall had disgusting bathrooms and the stalls did […]
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Tags: bathroom, cathedral of learning, door, jerk off, lothrop, Lothrop Hall, Pitt, privacy, scary, stall, wtf
I hate dress socks. Why do I have to wear them? Because that’s what society says is normal and acceptable to be considered “dressed up”? Not good enough. Because they’re dark? How about I got a pair of WHITE dress socks in a variety pack. WTF??? When would I EVER want to wear white dress […]
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Tags: air, blood, business, casual, dress, dress socks, feet, rant, socks, tight, wtf
WTF is up with trash bag sizing? Why can’t we have standards here? My whole life, I’ve struggled with the trash bag being too small and falling into the can, and then all the grossness builds up as it falls between the bag and wall and to the bottom of the can. Either that, or […]
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Tags: bags, cans, fit, garbage, gross, mom, rant, size, trash bags, wtf