flight 93 memorial revealed. homage to islam? |
wtf? looks like the memorial will be in the shape of a red crescent. could we get any more stupider? craziness. http://michellemalkin.com/archives/003513.htm
Click here to see the full textflight 93 memorial revealed. homage to islam? |
wtf? looks like the memorial will be in the shape of a red crescent. could we get any more stupider? craziness. http://michellemalkin.com/archives/003513.htm
Click here to see the full textI hate the government and money and society |
mother effer. i am so mad right now. since i am only taking 1 class this semester, i have to start paying back school loans. i’ve got a total of 16k in loans. and they are all over the place. i’m trying to consolidate them, but that takes months for everything to go through. so […]
Click here to see the full textthe number 13 |
what’s up with the number 13? just because the elevator in most hotels doesn’t have a 13 button, desn’t mean that there isn’t a 13th floor. Seriously, is that really necessary?? I could see it being a cute little joke in vegas, but when i stay in a sheraton in cleveland, there’s no need to […]
Click here to see the full texttaxes are…well…taxing. |
seriously. WTF? I just don’t get it. In this day of technology, why aren’t taxes obsolete? just friggin take the money out of my paychecks and be done with it. YOU take care of it Mr. Man. don’t try and make it easier for my with this teletax, or e-file.com garbage. because that is what […]
Click here to see the full textthe spam zombie, hunger strikes, and lack of sleep. |
the past 24 have sucked. so i woke up at 8 Tuesday to go to a cornerstone meeting we had, all went well there, but we had problems wrapping it all up, and getting to my class @ 11 late. When i got to the class, which was a 10 minute walk, it said that […]
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