Tag: xkcd

Hall’s Rule of Social Order #33

27 June, 2011 (12:00) | Hall's Rules of Social Order

Your intelligence in any given moment has a direct correlation with your ability to access the internet. Related: http://xkcd.com/903/

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Chocolate Salty Balls

1 April, 2011 (12:00) | House Ideas

Ball pits are awesome.  Maybe I could tie in a play room that would have the ball pit and the soft cushy surface there.  Surprisingly, I think the balls for ball pits are pretty cheap, and I don’t think a room would be all that difficult to make  The only thing I would see is […]

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Your love is like a roller coaster baby

6 January, 2011 (12:00) | Life Long Goals

Not an original idea, but it seems like a lot of fun.  I’d like to try to sneak a chess board onto a roller coaster and submit it to xkcd.  If I could think of something else to do, that may work, but the chess board seems easy enough. http://xkcd.com/chesscoaster/

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