Daddy LogCategory: Daddy Log

She will kiss you till your lips bleed

12 August, 2015 (19:01) | Daddy Log

Maddie watched Juliette and I from the couch.  I had thrown Maddie there as she had a laughing fit from the G-force that only her daddy can induce.  I noticed her, peeking over the cushions, and thought how grown up she has become.  She’s such a ponderer.  Just like her dad.  Juliette and I horsed […]

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Day 1: Without Hnn-Hnn and Bumpa

11 January, 2014 (13:41) | Daddy Log

It’s been less than 24 hours since I dropped hnn-hnn (Jan-Jan) and Bumpa off at the airport.  Survival mode is already engaged.  The Mirkwood fog must have been pouring through the vents as we slept.  What day is it?  What’s that noise?  What’s that smell?  I sold my soul to the sirens of Sesame Street […]

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watching you, watching me

10 January, 2013 (12:00) | Daddy Log

I love to look at her.  She has no idea I love her.  She’s just thinking about that blue duplo brick in her hand.  That’s my daughter playing over there.  She’s very curious.  I’m entertained at her furrowed brow.  Then, she locks eyes with me and smiles. What a bug.

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But the day that I die will be the day I shut my mouth and put down my guitar

13 September, 2012 (12:00) | Daddy Log

I’m sorry, Dad. There’s going to be a lot of things I should apologize to my dad for.  this will be the first one, that I’ve at least fully realized anyway.  Growing up, he had guitars that would just sit in cases and he’d never play them.  Once I got out on my own, I […]

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It’s dangerous out there. Here, take this.

7 May, 2012 (12:58) | Daddy Log

i just learned that diaper changing is warfare.  I thought it was merely routine maintenance before.  I took off her diaper, cleaned her up, bent down to toss the dirty diaper, leaving her exposed to the elements, but I didn’t realize I was exposing myself to the line of fire.  BOOM.  orange solids and liquids […]

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‘No screen’ time is not the answer to good parenting

3 May, 2012 (12:00) | Daddy Log

A new category for the blog! I read an interesting article that a dad friend posted – It differentiates between simply consuming entertainment during screen time and actually being creative with screen time.  It reminded me about teaching the LEGO classes.  The students would love to just be given a pile of bricks and […]

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