So I had a dream last night where I rode my guitar case all the way from pittsburgh to my mom’s house. The case had 4 wheels on the bottom of it and it stool vertically, and I sat where the handle would be. I was just kicking off the ground for momentum. The dream […]
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Tags: guitar, home, house, mom, pittsburgh, song
20 March, 2008 (11:03) | Dreams |
Seriously, what’s the deal with dreams of me being back in highschool? Sometimes I feel like I never graduated and I am back in classes trying to finish up. Sometimes it really is like 8 years ago and I’m talking with everyone like it’s normal to be in highschool. Last night, it was some sort […]
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Tags: dreams, school
29 October, 2007 (05:18) | Dreams |
wow. I think i see a trend going on here. i woke up at almost 4:15am from this dream. I had gone to bed about 4 am last night and slept until 5:30, and went to bed around 1am. I’ll have to start recording the times and such of these dreams. I’m going to leave […]
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Tags: AOL, Bruce, dad, Deirdre, dreams, family, funny, house, memories, movie, people, pepsi products, play, serah, sleep, What dreams may come, Work
Comments: 4, 3,361 views
12 August, 2007 (04:48) | Dreams |
It’s present time, and me and my sisters are over at the estate doing random work inside the barn. Keren’s boyfriend, Robbie, is there as well. He and I are loading some bags of garbage into the back of the my truck. Keren and my mom are around too, and we’re talking about me forgetting […]
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Tags: birthday, car drives, Christmas, dreams, house, Keren, Michael Galis, mom, music, play, red and orange paint, Robbie, serah, Work
Comments: 2, 3,519 views
this is the most lucid dream i’ve had in a long time. So i’m taking the bus somewhere. The bus actually varies a few times from a 15 passenger van, to a charter bus, but this is a minor detail. The seat layout was consistently like a 15 passenger van, bench seats, isle way on […]
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Tags: bus driver, cellular telephone, driver, family, mom, people, Work
Comments: 2, 3,310 views
18 April, 2007 (11:39) | Dreams |
there’s major construction on the road i take home from work. When i’m really tired, and i can tell it’s going to be at least 90 minutes to get home based on where traffic is backed up, I’ll pull into walmart parking lot and sleep. This is what I did today. Sometimes I sleep laying […]
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Tags: chair, dreams, home, left hand, memories, Sandra Bullock, sleep, Work
Comments: 4, 3,701 views