21 February, 2007 (19:44) | Dreams |
haha, i’m still laughing at this one. Just woke up and this dream put me in a good mood. so for some reason, we’re going to have a family get together at one of the new casinos out is philadelphia. Not just my immediate family, but aunts and uncles and such too. I have no […]
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Tags: Adam, family, funny, game, Jay, Josh Hall, magician, mom, people, play, waitress
Comments: 4, 4,443 views
14 March, 2006 (15:05) | Dreams |
good night for cool dreams last night. I dreamt that I was living in new york, and it’s like 2010. I was going to london for a vacation, and my flight left late at night, and i got out of work early, like noon. So instead of going home and waiting around for my flight, […]
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Tags: dreams, friends, home, London, new york, people, philadelphia, travel, United Kingdom, Work
25 January, 2006 (15:05) | Dreams |
So, I’ve had lots of dreams where my dad is in them, sometimes he’s fine and nothing ever happened, and sometimes he actually survived the surgery, but last night was one of the first dreams that I remember having where he wasn’t actually there…sort of. I say sort of, because J’aime was talking to him […]
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Tags: cellular telephone, dad, Deirdre, dreams, house, Keren, mom, school, serah
22 December, 2005 (15:05) | Dreams |
i was sitting in a store, that was right across the street from where i used to catch the bus in oakland, by the public health building. a friend was there with me, and she had to leave for class. we were both parked right outside. so she gets into this black car that she […]
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Tags: black car, car peels, Joshua Hall, Oakland
25 August, 2005 (05:17) | Dreams |
I’ve been having a lot of dreams about my dad, only recently, he has been pretty much mentally retarded. Now, my first instinct to that would be to laugh, but having done the research and being as interested in dreams and their relation to the real world as I am, I am perplexed as to […]
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Tags: attorney, Central Intelligence Agency, dad, Deirdre, dreams, house, inch collector, Karen Watson, metal work right infront, Michael Clarke Duncan, mom, school, serah, The Green Mile, Work
last night i had a dream about these things, that i am going to call airvatars. they were basically this 2-3 feet tall machine-puppet things, that people could buy heads, skins, mods and such for, and they would be sent to this place where everyone would interact with other ones. I call them airvatars (like […]
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Tags: people, play