A few months back, I drove past a auto body shop called “Pair o’ Dice” and I thought that was a terrible name for a business. Clever? Sure. But you’ll have to explain the name to every customer – let alone direct traffic to your website properly. As I’m thinking more and more about the […]
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Tags: life, music, sountrack
This is kind of a memory, but I just remember how much of a kick I got out of my Pitt username when I was a student there. Most students had their 3 initials, then “st” to signify they were a student, and then a random one or two digit number behind it. I think […]
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Tags: 64, custom, email, helpdesk, personalized, Pitt, sixf00t4, student, university of pittsburgh, username
I was at work walking from my cube to the elevators and I passed 2 guys I know talking about eye doctors who wear glasses instead of contacts having no expertise to share with people who wear contacts. As I passed them, directly on the other side of a cube wall next to them is […]
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Tags: coincidence, contacts, conversation, funny, mall weird, office, sblackberry, talk, things overheard, words
Kallie told me that she went to the store the other day and someone had left coupons next to a bunch of products through the store. It wasn’t just the store discounts, but someone must have had a bunch of coupons they were not going to use and took the effort to leave them by […]
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Tags: anonymous, coupon, discount, free, gesture, gift, giving, nice, shopping, stranger
This post was going to start off as a bit of a stupid people rant, but a few people redeemed it from frustration and dragged it into entertaining. Possibly, the sheer ridiculousness of the entire thing brought it to the ‘funny’ category too. Yesterday, I got this email: From: Katlyn Fergus Sent: July 7, 2011 […]
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Tags: bcc, cc, distribution, drama, email, entertainment, etiquette, funny, gmail, Google, hack, IT, list, never gunna give you up, phishing, pnc, porn, random, rickroll, ridiculous, rmu, Robert Morris, security, spam, stupid, stupid people, turtles, wtf
Last year they didn’t have the class, but after 2 years, I walk back in to the class, see a few familiar faces, and all of them remember me. They asked me if I’m bringing back in my large LEGO man I brought in for them last time. They remember the class and what we […]
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Tags: class, fun, happy, kids, LEGO, memory, smile, years