Here’s an example of one of my peers in my masters degree program. We have our first group assignment, and groups were chosen by the professor. Granted, there was some confusion on how to use the online system and communicate to multiple people, but this is the email she sends out… hello all I have […]
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Tags: communication, email, funny, people, random, school, stupid, wtf
I love it when my bill comes to something like $8.01 and the cashier either takes a penny from the change cup or just tells me not to worry about it. The latter is the more impressive and impacting of the two. To think that they’re more driven make the transaction a nice and simple […]
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Tags: change, give a penny, have a penny, love, nickel back, nickel pack, penny, rounding
we decided to jump from our second story window into our pile of snow.
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Tags: 2010, blizzard, igloo, jump, pile, pittsburgh, race, snow, snowpocalypse, storm, tunnel, window, winter
And now, the reason why these topics have a picture of a smiling kitten next to them. No matter how down I am, I’ve never been able to spend a few minutes on without feeling better and laughing. I don’t even like cats that much, but I’ll be darn if those pictures aren’t some of […]
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Tags: animals, caption, cat, cheezburger, funny, image, lol, lolcatz, picture, poor grammar, walrus
So i get this random newsletter in my email the other day from this summer camp program in Australia. My initial thought was that it was just spam, but it looks way to legit. So I go ahead and go through the unsubscribe steps, and just shrug it off. A day or two later, I get […]
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Tags: Australia, funny, Hall, Josh Hall, Kallie
I was on facebook today and saw that Keren updated her website information. She had made a wonderful website for her wedding. As I looked through the pictures, listened to the music, and read her words, I cried. I hope Robbie knows how lucky he is.
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Tags: Keren, music