I want a really long black top drive way. I think i’d like the house to be back in the woods a little bit, but I always loved houses that sit far from the road ominously. Not too much of a wind in the road, but maybe an S shape to it. Something that kids […]
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Tags: basketball, game, house, love
So i want a really decent sized grill area in the center courtyard. What I want to do, is make a ruben’s tube right along the back of the grill. if you don’t what a ruben’s tube is, it’s basically a equalizer visualization done with flames. see it in action here – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyIphO4Ypoo
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So, one of my life long goals is to build a house that i design. I have a bunch of weird/unique ideas that i’d like to incoporate into the house, so i thought i’d post some of them here when i get them. Welcome the house category. One day, i’ll get some sketches down/scanned and […]
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Tags: house, ideas, money, PHP