I’m gunna post this under thoughts and ideas, even though it came to me in a dream. so, i just had these idea in a dream when talking to some friends. basically, it’d be a graphical and a little more user friendly craigslist. People could post stuff they want to buy or have to sell […]
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Tags: create, friends, ideas, people, pittsburgh, thoughts
i saw this random fact… It is believed that Shakespeare was 46 around the time that the King James Version of the Bible was written. In Psalms 46, the 46th word from the first word is ‘shake’ and the 46th word from the last word is ‘spear’ and it actually checks out… with things like […]
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Tags: bible, easter, God, King, people, translator
as modern medicine improves, along the lines of tissue regrowth, prosthetics, and nerve reconnecting, I think we’ll have some gruesome tv shows. Right now, we have fear factor, they do gross things for sure. I think the only thing that prevents people from going further though, is the chance of permanent damage to their bodies. […]
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Tags: left hand, people
why isn’t there something that does the opposite of a microwave? some that blasts water in a tray with waves that make it into ice cubes in 30 seconds? or maybe you had a long drive home from the store, and your icecream is starting to melt, throw it in the macrowave. there are lots […]
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Tags: home, microwave
I think it would be cool to be in a band that covers popular songs, only switching instruments with vocals, and perhaps even vocals with instruments. Instead of the bass player playing the bass, he’d use his voice to hum or bop the bass lines, and the drummer would do like a boombox or something, […]
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Tags: bass player, drummer, guitarist, sing, song
This was actually an idea I hate a while back, but i’m just reminded of it now, with the scottish island. I think a website, for people to get together on joint ventures would be useful. like, a bunch of middle class people want to buy an island, someone posts the idea on the site, […]
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Tags: money, people, scottish island