Debt cannot transfer to anyone but a spouse, correct? The way it worked when my dad died was that those that were owed money from my dad could come after his assets, such as his house, by placing a lien on the property. So what happens when someone is single and has huge amounts of […]
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Tags: dad, house, love, money, online orders, people
I’ve always been taciturn, but usually that’s because I’m too busy watching any analyzing. Sometimes I get a kick out the little things that people do, not because they need to or even want to, but because they’re conditioned to do so. when people sneeze, perfect strangers will still say a variation of "God bless […]
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Tags: digital cameras, God, people, Work
Driving back home from DC today, and I got an idea for a cool phrase; Calling someone your cyclops. You use it to describe someone of the opposite sex that you would definitely be in love with if only (insert reason here. Here’s an example conversation: You: Yeah, me and Adrienne have always been the […]
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Tags: friends, home, Josh Hall, love, song
I’ve been sending a lot of emails recently. A lot of them to high profile people, and I have been taking time to review my wording, tone, and content. Holy Fluff. I’ve caught myself saying "check and see" when that can sure be consolidated. I’ve deleted HUNDREDS of "that"s out of my sentences. I’ve given […]
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Tags: Alaska, people, play
Comments: 2, 3,152 views
So, I’m pulling out of Giant Eagle Market District in Shady Side, making a left onto Centre Avenue. A black prius is turning into the lot, and stops to let me get out onto the road first. A guy is loading groceries into his car across the street and there is an asian woman standing […]
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Tags: Centre Avenue, christ, God, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Queen
Comments: 1, 3,282 views
You’re staying at a hotel and you notice a car has it’s lights on in the parking lot. You stop by the front desk and let them know, but they can’t do anything about it because they don’t keep track of whose cars are in the lot. What else do you do? What else can […]
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Tags: alarm, car, cars, Do, keep, parking, question, track