I want to invent something. Something that will require a patent. So basically, I just want to have a patent on something. I think they’re pretty cheap. I have a lot of ideas, but I never do anything with them. I should start writing them down more…
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Tags: creative, goals, ideas, invention, legacy, life, patent, purpose
So I’ve written before about my deep fascination with Bedford Springs resort, and that’s definitely on my list of places to stay and visit. They have a great history that goes back into the late 1700’s and presidents staying there. you can read about the history on their site or ask me to borrow the […]
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Tags: Christmas, mom
I haven’t used this category for things I want to see and do, but I should. James Turrell has been one of my favorite artists for many years now, and I think a few people have heard me rave about his Roden Crater Project. I want to visit/tour it. From this NY Times article of […]
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Tags: James Turrell, people
I’ve always wanted to just hitch a ride on a train. The real adventurist in me wants to pack a backpack and just jump on and get off whenever i feel like it. I’ve seen "Into the Wild" though, and I surely do not want to run into one of those situations where I get […]
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Tags: conductor, Into the Wild
Maybe inspired from the show Home improvement, or maybe my old dentist, Dr. Birch, but I’d like to build my own car. I’d love to have a place in a garage to just work on it for years slowly building it, making sure I’m doing it right, learning about how it all works. Having some […]
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Tags: Birch, dentist, friends, home, love, polished steel, Work
I want to be on a game show. I think i missed the boat for jeopardy. I’ve always thought my family would be great on family feud. Price is Right would be sweet too. I just think it must be so easy to get on those things since it’s a new one every day. If […]
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Tags: family, game