10 August, 2010 (19:21) | News |
If you’re not familiar with the L.I.V.I.N.G Ministry, it’s an organization dedicated to serving the homeless and needy in the Pittsburgh area. They have a few outreach programs that range from a large clothing drive event in the fall, job fairs, preparing breakfast for labor hall workers at 5am, Bible studies, and the biggest is […]
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Tags: great race, hurdles, josh, living ministry, obstacles, pittsburgh, race, support, urbanathlon, volunteer
Well, some of you already knew, but now that it didn’t pan out, we’re allowed to talk about it. Back in April, Chemistry.com (where Kallie and I met) contacted us and wanted us to be interviewed by a “national magazine” about our story. Turns out it was People Magazine. So they called Kallie, asked her […]
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Tags: California, Canada, chicago, guitar, Kallie, life, music, online dating, people, school, urbanathlon, yankanuck
16 April, 2009 (13:47) | News |
Obama’s new spending involves light rail or high speed train development in Pittsburgh. http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/09106/963340-100.stm Hopefully, that will just mean that the maglev project will reach fruition. http://www.maglevpa.com/
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Tags: pittsburgh
3 January, 2009 (15:42) | News |
In recent sports news, Grapevine Faith played Gainesville State School in football, but the fans from Faith rooted for the other team. The formed a line for the other team to run through at the beginning of the game, the made a sign for them to bust through, and cheered for them throughout the game. […]
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Tags: Faith, Gainesville, Gainesville State School, game, home, recent sports news, school, Yale
6 December, 2008 (22:43) | News |
So I’m playing with my new iphone, and I’m fascinated by all the possibilities. I’ll be sure to tell you about productivity enhancers later. For now, I want to share a little app I found called Fstream (direct link to app store download page here). There are other music apps that cost money to use, like simplify […]
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Tags: iphone, money, music, PHP, tuner internet radio
27 August, 2008 (18:05) | News |
Forget the wheel chair. Let’s move into cyborg territory with a system that can act as an exoskeleton and help you walk! http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7582240.stm Awesome stuff. I can’t even begin to imagine the positive effect this will have on people.
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Tags: people, wheel chair