4 March, 2008 (14:50) | News |
Forgot to mention, I had my first shamrock shake in about 10 years over the weekend. absolutely fantabulous. I’m not a big fan of mint usually, but I’m sure mcdonalds has pumped it so full of bad stuff that it’s good. yum. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shamrock_Shake
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Tags: first, years
8 February, 2008 (17:14) | News |
remember to tune into http://parockshow.com tonight at 8pm to listen to us play live. There should be a chat session up too! if you don’t make it tonight, the podcast should be up to listen to tomorrow.
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Tags: play
Comments: 2, 3,286 views
6 February, 2008 (10:47) | News |
So, we’ve got Hal, our 3 legged cat. Now there’s this new "babygirl" cat making headlines and I think Deirdre is going to try and adopt her too. Apparently she had 5 legs but needed to have 2 cut off. Deirdre sent them an email and they said to send in an application, but you need to […]
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Tags: Deirdre
29 January, 2008 (10:29) | News |
http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/08029/853048-100.stm?cmpid=news.xml That’s the plot of land a block up from my old apartment and across the street from the Hill House and Kaufmann auditorium. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=15219&ie=UTF8&ll=40.442897,-79.98166 So, looks like I’ll be stopping for dinner on my walk home for work. Oops, no eggs for those brownies? Don’t worry, I’ll walk 2 blocks to the grocery store. […]
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Tags: home, house, Work
3 January, 2008 (15:07) | News |
http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/08003/846452-100.stm?cmpid=news.xml Looking good! Hill district getting a grocery store, developing the YMCA, and probably a bunch of good jobs reserved for residents. This will really help with the new housing assitance law that passed Jan 1st. People who have no jobs or income were paying $25 for rent at some places, but come 2008, they […]
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Tags: assitance law, Crawford square, hill district, house, love, money, music, people, Work
20 December, 2007 (21:03) | News |
I’m an uncle. Josephine Jean Pesce was born somewhere around 6pm today, December 20th, the same day that my Grandmother Hall was born! yay!
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Tags: Grandmother Hall, Josephine Jean Pesce
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