I rode my bike from Pittsburgh to DC. I enjoyed the time alone, the time with others, the ups and downs (geographically and emotionally), the lessons, the tests, the process; the journey. I enjoyed – the journey. I’ve been trying to figure out how to write about it. I had to step away from the […]
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Tags: allegheny, bike, c&o, Chesapeake, DC, gap, gap trail, greater, greater allegheny passage, journey, ohio, pittsburgh, rails to trails, ride, trail
Let’s cut to the chase and boil it all down. The C&O sucks. I hated it. I was caught off-guard and unprepared in many ways for it. The frustrations were unrelenting. I had to grow stronger, smarter, and more patient and tolerant of my own mistakes. That’s partially facetious and dramatic and partially deep truth. […]
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Help. I’m registered to run the Pittsburgh marathon’s 5k this Saturday, May 4th for The L.I.V.I.N.G. Ministry. Fact is, I’m terribly out of shape. When I signed up, I didn’t know we’d be expecting another baby in November. I didn’t know we would be moving into a new house. I didn’t know we’d be getting […]
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Tags: 5k, living ministry, pittsburgh, race, sponsor
And I’m fine with that. Honestly, I do feel a huge sense of ‘next chapter’ in my life. I’m not sure that it was very gradual either. I’m feeling like I’ve drawn a line in my mind; “Here are the thoughts, actions, desires, and goals of what used to be, and on this side is […]
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Tags: 20x30, 30, adventure, birthday, fun, goals, life, reputation, status, stuff
Merry Christmas! Still doesn’t quite feel like Christmas without cold temperatures and some snow or frost. I think there are less public decorations than normal too. I haven’t noticed many street lamp signs or flags or trees or lights. Maybe I just need to get out more. I got to sleep a bunch today. I […]
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Tags: aunt leslie, batman, Christmas, cold, david, family, Kallie, LEGO, paint, uncle jay, video games, weather
today was an emotionally draining day. all is well though. slept at my mom’s last night, woke up to return to the city around 10. Brought a dolly back from my mom’s to help me wheel in the deep freezer i bought off craigslist yesterday. I always told kallie that we can justify more freezer […]
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Tags: ceiling, Christmas, dad, daughter, Deirdre, emotion, exhausted, father, freezer, fridge, home, home depot, house, mom, oops, phone, repair, tired